I am not encouraging people to give some of their money here at this time. I pay for this website so that you can research about God and experience Him and I don't want anyone to misunderstand. I especially don't want people who are new to the Bible to misunderstand and think this is about money.
God knows which of His servants are sincere and aren't swayed by money and which of them are swayed by money. And before people condemn the ones who are swayed by money let's remember how many people outside the Church are swayed by money.
When Churches use the money to help people in various ways and to support sincere godly leaders who serve others according to God's will-it's a good thing and not a bad thing. No one complains when non-profits support their staff members and operating expenses, but sometimes people forget that Churches have to pay for electricity, water, rent, ect. as well. That Pastors and leaders also have to pay for these things at home and they don't all have enough time to work a regular job and work in a Church. Some also may feel led by God to focus all their efforts on serving in a Church.
Nevertheless, for the time being, I am encouraging people to not give money here and if you want to give money to Churches then choose one from the Church shopping section and just pray for me. Prayer is free. I don't want to put a stumbling block before people by asking for money.
As far as other Churches (or ministries) are concerned, giving offerings and tithes to God can be an act of love or a personal sacrifice to further God’s good works in this world-including helping those in need and supporting important ministries which help people in various ways. We (believers) are the light of the world and we should show that through our deeds, and one way to do that is to give some of what we have and continue working and earning successfully so we have more to give. There is a great deal of need in this world. We cannot supply all that need, but we can supply part of it and that part matters.
Maybe, most people in society are not that generous. They often do things like going to the grocery store and buying $500 worth of stuff, then giving $1 to charity as they go through checkout and they might feel good about themselves because of that $1. But as Christians we should not be like that, and neither should servants of God abuse people’s generosity since they will give an account to God for how they used the money. Money that is given to ministries should be used in a holy, Biblical way. It’s also a good idea for leaders in Churches to try to do, not only what is right in the eyes of God in this matter, but what is right in the eyes of people to avoid misunderstandings.
I will also say that I don't agree with Churches leaning on people too hard for money when it's not God's will to do so. Especially when those people are struggling.
I also don't agree when Christians or nonChristians hardly want to use any of their money to help people who are in need and/or to help God's works. I don't agree with Christians who are well supplied with money being indifferent to the spiritual needs of people in the world and to people's physical needs.
Again, for the time being, I am not encouraging people to give any of their money through this page. If you want to give, you can choose a ministry from the Church shopping list. I have no way to benefit from that in a material way.
If you are new to the Bible I think you don't need to concern yourself with giving right now. Just concern yourself with researching and exploring the content of this site, concern yourself with exploring the Bible by the Holy Spirit and with experiencing God.